Have you ever wondered what your street or neighborhood was like 150 years ago? At the Northside Neighborhood History Collection we get many questions from people curious to learn more about the history of their community. We help researchers explore this question through books, archival collections, newspapers, and a wide range of other sources.
Today, Chicago's Milwaukee Avenue is known for its arts and music venues, small businesses, and notable architecture. But what was it like 150 years ago? The NNHC recently acquired Holland's 1875 Directory of Milwaukee Avenue, which is a valuable source for exploring this question. The directory includes listings of residents and businesses as well as an introduction where the authors encourage people to buy locally and support their neighborhood businesses, just as many neighborhood Chambers of Commerce and local business groups do today.
The authors assure people that Milwaukee Avenue businesses carry "immense stocks of everything used by families or individuals in almost any station in life." They promise that "the merchants on the avenue as a rule, sell their goods cheaper than any others we know of, while goods are of as fine quality as can be had anywhere." They emphasize the high quality of transportation in the area, saying that "we are now able to boast of having one of the best omnibus lines in the city."
The directory also includes short entries highlighting standout businesses and many advertisements. Featured businesses include bakeries, groceries, drug stores, dentists, furniture manufacturers, carriage makers, jewelers, and many more.
The Northside Neighborhood History Collection welcomes researchers by appointment. If you would like to set up a time to look at the directory or learn more about how to explore the history of your neighborhood, please reach out to northsidehistory@chipublib.org or 312-742-4455.
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