Of all the things that go into the winter holidays, it’s the food that can be an instant feast of soul soothing relief. Wafting aromas can wrap us in loving warmth and comfort. Food can season our tongues with sugar and spice and all things nice! Stories can do the very same thing, providing us with safety and satisfying pleasure while connecting us to loved ones. During this season of store-bought chocolates and candy hearts, dine on some appealing word play and relish in delightful dietary tales.
Here’s a tasting of some delicious stories to share or devour alone. For a feast of titles, be sure to search our menu catalog or ask our wait staff librarians for suggestions. Bon appetit!
How to Eat A Mango teaches us how to use all our senses to enjoy the richness of food and family.
Dim Sum Palace: Liddy's excitement to go to a restaurant with her family and have her favorite dim sum seeps into her dreams.
Brown Sugar Babe: This love poem to all things brown uses a luscious entrée of food analogies.
The Chocolate Touch: John’s wish has come true – everything that touches his lips turns to chocolate. But can you have too much chocolate?
Pie: Alice and Charlie go to extremes to find Aunt Polly’s award-winning pie crust; a recipe Aunt Polly left to her cat before passing away.
The Cookie Crumbles: Laila is competing in the Golden Cookie Competition when a judge becomes ill after eating her sample. With the help of her best friend, Lucy, Laila attempts to solve the mystery and clear her name.
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