Chicago Examiner Digital Collection

CPL's Digital Collections document life in Chicago through archival images, documents and artifacts.

Newspaper page with Chicago landmarks and maps
"Make Chicago One of the Most Attractive Cities in the World," Chicago Examiner Vol. 10 no. 1, 1909


The Chicago Examiner was one of a dozen major newspapers published in Chicago at the turn of the last century. It was known for sensational news stories. CPL’s 10-year run of the Examiner, while incomplete, extends from 1908 to 1918 and represents the longest run of the paper still available.

The Examiner includes coverage of major stories in Chicago's history, such as:

The Chicago Examiner is housed in the Special Collections and Preservation Division at Harold Washington Library Center; microfilm is available in the newspapers department at Harold Washington Library Center.

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Acknowledgment of Harmful Materials

Chicago Public Library collects images, documents and other archival materials from different communities and time periods to preserve and make available the cultural and historical record. As historical objects, some of these materials contain harmful or disturbing content. CPL presents these artifacts as an unfiltered social record and does not endorse the views expressed therein.

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