Young learners, ages 2 and up, can play and learn with 3,500+ interactive books, educational games, puzzles and other learning activities.
Young learners, ages 2 and up, can play and learn with 3,500+ interactive books, educational games, puzzles and other learning activities.
Biographies of more than half a million people from all periods of history and from every geographical region. Search for a specific person by name or use the Person Search to create lists of people based on nationality, ethnicity, occupation, gender or date of birth or death. Recommended for grades six and up.
Get help with your homework online from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. daily. Get expert help with:
Available in English and Spanish for early elementary through advanced college prep students. Practice tests (including ACT/SAT), a writing lab, video content and other resources are available 24/7. Recommended for grades two and up.
Information on countries and territories including customs, lifestyles and social conditions. Elementary school students, try the Kids Edition (which covers 78 countries), States Edition (which covers the 50 states) and Provinces Edition (which covers Canada’s 13 provinces and territories). Find recipes from all countries as well as biographies of famous citizens. Photographs are available for some countries.
Encyclopedia articles in Spanish for students in grades two through five.
Topic-based browsing of 6 EBSCO databases for elementary school-aged students.
Topic-based browsing of 5 EBSCO databases for middle school-aged students.
Find encyclopedia articles and book chapters on a variety of topics in art, health, history, music, religion, science and the social sciences.
Access five resources on specific aspects of history:
Search all five at once or browse them individually. Each includes articles from reference works, primary sources, biographies, timelines, images, and maps, charts and tables. Recommended for grades six and up.
Videos and practice exercises to help with math, science, history and more.
Articles from magazines for elementary school students.
Learn a new language. For ages 3 through 6.
Look up a fiction or nonfiction book you like and find others similar to it..
Encyclopedia articles, definitions, charts and illustrations, experiments, biographies and timelines. Recommended for grades six and up.
Short, easy-to-read introductions to thousands of topics as well as maps, pictures, games, word definitions and more. Recommended for grades two through five.
More than 40,000 encyclopedia articles, as well as an online atlas, online dictionary, research tools and more. Recommended for grades three and up.
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