Teens, tweens and YOUmedia alumni, we're taking the party to the streets—or at least to one street, right next to Harold Washington Library Center! The YOUmedia Block Party on Saturday, September 28 celebrates our 10-year anniversary.
Teens, come for a day of performances, art projects and celebration of all things YOUmedia. We'll be on Plymouth Court with an outdoor stage featuring both teen and staff performances, and some featured guests, along with many partners from across the city.
Stay tuned to our website and social media channels for more information in the coming weeks! We will soon announce our YOUmedia Champions, YOUmedia teens and alumni who represent the best of Chicago and who make this 10-year anniversary one worth celebrating.
How It All Began
YOUmedia opened its doors July 11, 2009, to give Chicago teens, like you, exciting ways to explore, learn and just be themselves! Thousands of teens have discovered the library is not only a great place to find the best graphic novels and anime, but also has design software, recording studios and mentor librarians as well as amazing teens who have so much to share. Ten years later, it's time to celebrate all of the ways teens have contributed to Chicago through their creativity while hanging out at the library.
Check out YOUmedia to learn more about our early days and check out some of the research and thinking behind our success.