Celebrate Banned Books Week, September 24-30

Join CPL for an all-ages celebration of Banned Books Week, September 24-30.


Check out our lists of Top Challenged Books and Intellectual Freedom Resources.

Activities and Events

Banned Books Week “Selfie Stations”

Stop by any CPL location to take and share a photo of yourself holding your favorite banned book! Please share your photos and quotes on social media using the Twitter handles @chipublib and @BannedBooksWeek or the hashtags #chicagopubliclibrary, #bannedbooksweek and #UnbannedAtCPL.

Take Note of Your Freedom to Read @ CPL

Complete and share your thoughts about banned or challenged literature by completing and posting a Banned Books Week postcard at any CPL location.


City Lit Theater Company, in collaboration with the American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom, presents Books on the Chopping Block, a 60-minute performance of dramatic readings of short excerpts taken from several books. For details, see the Books on the Chopping Block events schedule and our complete schedule of Banned Books Week events.

Teens: Win Tickets for The Crucible at Steppenwolf

Teens in high school, enter our raffle for tickets to see Arthur Miller’s The Crucible at Steppenwolf for Young Adults! We'll select 10 winners (two tickets per winner).

About Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week is an annual initiative sponsored by a community devoted to the freedom to read, including librarians, booksellers, authors, publishers and readers of all types.

This year Banned Books Week emphasizes “the importance of the First Amendment, which guarantees our inherent right to read,” according to the Banned Books Week Coalition. We invite you to learn more about censorship, to support the freedom of access to diverse ideas and the authors who communicate them, and to exercise your right to choose the books that you read.