The Roden Branch has sponsored a Great Books discussion group since its construction in 1968, with Peter Amberson as moderator. Peter has been a devoted reader of Latin since he was in high school. He reads broadly, with great enthusiasm.
We begin in September and meet every other Thursday into May. Since September we've been met by Dante, Chaucer, Boccaccio and Montaigne, and before May we will delve into Ms. Woolf and Ms. Dickinson, Misters Kafka, Borges and Neruda, and lastly Harold Bloom.
This is not the list in its entirety, and yes, it does seem daunting but readers with a desire to read wonderful books, some having lived before the modern era, should not be afraid. There are no weighty demands to complete a work, especially the most lengthy. They can be read in bits so the reader can savor the writing and deliberate with themselves upon the ideas. Everyone is invited to participate.