Learn Design and Programming Skills with One Book, One Chicago Learning Circles

Do you know you can take an online course at the library in a learning circle? A learning circle is a study group for learners who want to complete online courses, together and in-person. This is a free opportunity for adults to learn new skills with others.

One Book, One Chicago presents two learning circles in early 2019 exploring our theme, Imagine The Future! Here are our upcoming courses related to the One Book, One Chicago theme:

Learn Autodesk Fusion 360 for Complete Beginners
Harold Washington Library Center Maker Lab
January 7 – February 4
Innovators and designers are using tools like Fusion 360 to model and design all kinds of products—from technology we use every day, to medical devices, to components used on the space station. Get started designing the future by learning this tool. This learning circle meets from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays from January 7 through February 4. Please register at www.chipublib.org/LearningCircles.

Python Tutorial for Beginners
Harold Washington Library Center Maker Lab
March 11 – April 1
From robots to phones, doorbells to thermostats, more and more things we interact with are programmed and run by computers. Learn the common programming language Python, which can be used to build websites and apps, among many other uses. This learning circle meets from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays from March 11 through April 1. Please register at www.chipublib.org/LearningCircles.