Prints, Knits and Rings

We’re excited to host two exciting series of events this month led by three well-known local makers.


The next four Saturdays, artist Tom Burtonwood will teach participants how to use digital photography to create, then print a 3D model. He made a replica of an Abraham Lincoln bust we have here at the Harold Washington Library Center. Check out his 3D-printed book on display in the lab, and ask him all about it on one of the Saturdays he’s in.


Taylor Hokanson and Dieter Kirkwood will teach participants how to create a knitted panel using a computer and a knitting machine. Hokanson is part of the original advisory board that met earlier this year to talk about what kind of space the CPL Maker Lab could be, and we’re thrilled to have him on board and on site.

…and Rings

We’ll also offer workshops to create 3D-printed rings and a personalized stencil created on the laser cutter. For the 3D-printed ring workshops, we’ll ask you to create a free TinkerCad account. Both workshops will make use of templates so we can dive right in.

There’s still time to vote for the CPL Maker Lab in this year’s Chicago Innovation Awards—the last day is October 4. Thank you for your support!