ProQuest One Business Business Directory eBook
Search a wide variety of business content, from newspapers, magazines and journals, to company and industry reports, to eBooks and videos.
Search a wide variety of business content, from newspapers, magazines and journals, to company and industry reports, to eBooks and videos.
ChiBizHub connects new and existing Chicago businesses to business resource providers.
Reviews, ratings, recommendations, and buying advice for thousands of products and services.
Set up a GotResumeBuilder account to use this quick and convenient resume builder. Chicago Public Library cardholders can upgrade their account to premium and download or print their resume.
Take online video courses to learn business, software, technology and design skills. Videos are available in multiple languages. (App users: After opening the app, click Sign In. When asked for your email, enter chipublib in all lowercase letters and click Continue. Then log in with your library card and PIN.)
Full text of many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to understand and address a wide variety of small business topics. Includes business videos,
case studies, help and advice, a start-up kit, and tips for writing business plans.
Search public records by name or address. Covers a wide variety of records from select Illinois counties: real estate transactions, business licenses, evictions, arrests, etc.
Listings for 59 million U.S. business locations and 310 million consumers. Search businesses by name, location, industry and size; search consumers by location, estimated income, interests and shopping habits.
Create lists of new homeowners, new businesses, recent foreclosures, etc. based on public records from select Illinois counties.
Search a wide variety of business content, from newspapers, magazines and journals, to company and industry reports, to eBooks and videos.
Offers entrepreneurs over 700 actual business plans to use as models in developing their own.
Find encyclopedia articles in a variety of subject areas from more than two hundred reference titles.
Find overviews, including history, current conditions and leading firms, for over a thousand industries from The Encyclopedia of American Industries, The Encyclopedia of Emerging Industries and The Encyclopedia of Global Industries.
Search a wide variety of business content, from newspapers, magazines and journals, to company and industry reports, to eBooks and videos.
Analysis of stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and markets.
Company directory and financial and investment information from numerous Standard & Poor’s publications, including the Bond Guide, Industry Surveys, Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives, Security Dealers of North America and Stock Reports.
Articles from hundreds of newspapers and newsfeeds from around the world, including the Chicago Defender, Chicago Tribune, Daily Herald (Arlington Heights), New York Times, USA Today, Globe and Mail (Canada), The Times (London), The Times of India and Daily Yomiuri (Japan).Find additional newspapers in America's News.
Articles from the nation’s financial newspaper of record back to 1984.
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