EBSCO Magazines & Journals Magazine & Journal
Articles from general-interest magazines and scholarly journals. Search two separate databases (MasterFILE Complete and OmniFile Full Text Select) covering more than 3,500 publications.
Articles from general-interest magazines and scholarly journals. Search two separate databases (MasterFILE Complete and OmniFile Full Text Select) covering more than 3,500 publications.
Topic-based browsing of 42 EBSCO databases for high school-aged students.
Find encyclopedia articles in a variety of subject areas from more than two hundred reference titles.
Videos and practice exercises to help with math, science, history and more.
Find articles from the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.
Encyclopedia articles, definitions, charts and illustrations, experiments, biographies and timelines. Recommended for grades six and up.
Contains full-text, science-oriented content geared for students' research needs. Recommended for grades six and up.
Magazine and newspaper articles on social, scientific, health, historic, economic, political and global issues specifically chosen for upper-elementary and high school students.
More than 40,000 encyclopedia articles, as well as an online atlas, online dictionary, research tools and more. Recommended for grades three and up.
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